
Derived from a flowering vine its fruit is known as peppercorns Pepper is the most widely used and traded spice in the world. With a history spanning thousands of years its use in Indian cooking can be traced back to 2000BC. Once considered so valuable in ancient civilizations Attila the Hun demanded 3000 pounds of black pepper as ransom for city of Rome.

For centuries black pepper has been used in culinary, teas, infusions, to support digestion, in herbal healing practices and medicinally in Ayurveda and TCM.

Pepper is known to be a heating spice and comes from 5 varietals of peppercorns each with its own unique flavor:

Black has a sharp, penetrating aroma and a characteristic woody, piney flavor which is hot and biting to taste

White has a more delicate and complex flavor, considered floral, earthy with a mild and less pungent zest

Pink is tart with some fruity flavor and slightly sweet aftertaste

Green has a fresh, bright aroma and crisp flavor

Long Black is an essential component of Mediterranean, African, and Asian cooking. Used in Ayurvedic herbal formulations this variety has a hotter taste and greater pungency with earthy and sweet overtones

Besides being a staple in cooking pepper offers a variety of health benefits:

Pepper is a good source of manganese, a mineral that can help with bone health, wound healing, and metabolism. One teaspoon of black pepper is 6 calories, offers 16 percent of your daily recommended intake (DRI) of manganese and 6 percent of your DRI of vitamin K.

Its high in antioxidants, contains anti-inflammatory properties, improves brain function, may improve blood sugar control and lower cholesterol levels, may contain cancer fighting properties, promote gut health and pain relief, boosts absorption of nutrients and may help in appetite suppression.

Do the taste test yourself to see if you can identify each of the varietal characteristics. Then try using different kinds of pepper in your recipes to spice up your menu a little!






Be Happy, Healthy and Hydrated!